Note: Information is based on the latest up-to-date public health recommendations and is subject to change.
The Piqua Adventist Christian School's team of teaching staff and school board is committed to providing quality, engaging learning experiences and the familial Christian culture we value so much. With this in mind, we have developed plans for three possible scenarios:
Safe school on campus
Virtual / remote school
A hybrid of both campus attendance and remote learning
As we review the latest CDC and local government guidelines, we are committed to being:
Prudent - The physical and emotional safety of our students remains our primary concern.
Proactive - Given the magnitude and range of this challenge, we must make difficult decisions and move purposefully. Every effort will be made to make the best decisions for our students and staff; we will listen, adjust, and adapt quickly.
Prioritized - Our mission to develop inspired seekers, empowered scholars, and devoted servants has never been clearer. It remains our duty and privilege to prepare students "for the joy of service in this world and for the higher joy of wider service in the world to come" (E.G. White, Education, pg. 13).
Personal Protection Plan
Parents should check their student's temperature at home every morning. Parents should ask their student about any cough, congestion, shortness of breath, or gastrointestinal symptoms every morning. Any positives should prompt the student to stay home.
Before students, staff, and parents are allowed to enter the building, they will have their temperature checked. If they have a temperature of 100.4 or higher, they will not be allowed to enter the building. Virtual school is available for students who are unable to attend school in person or whose parents wish to keep them home for the day.
Drivers bringing students to school should wait until the student passes the morning health check. Students who do not "pass" the morning screening or become sick during the day will be quarantined until parents are notified and arrangements are made. An ill child must be picked up within one hour of notification.
All staff and students will be instructed in proper hand-washing, sneezing, coughing, avoidance of touching one's face, and other basic hygiene practices.
Drinking fountains will be for filling water bottles only. Students are required to bring their own bottles from home. Students may not drink directly from fountains.
The school campus will undergo routine cleaning on a daily basis.
Frequently touched surfaces will be cleaned as often as possible each day.
Guests on Campus
Guests are not permitted beyond the lobby.
Parents are not permitted in campus hallways or classrooms, except under extenuating circumstances.
All adults entering the building should wash or sanitize hands.
Strict records will be kept, including date and time, of all non-employees entering and exiting the building.
Screenings will be conducted for all students, faculty, volunteers, and scheduled appointments (everyone).